Monday, July 03, 2006

Final Results

Finally put some miles behind me on Saturday, the last day of the meet. We had good conditions with a West wind that built in strength through out the day. I attempted a 52 mile triangle (Butte - Farmer - Mansfield and back) which I hoped would be enough to take the lead in the king post division.
The first half of the flight went quickly with 1500ft/min climbs up to 12,000 ft. It was relatively smooth for me but others found some rough spots with Tom Pierce inadvertently getting rolled past 90° in one of the big ones early on.
Halfway through the coarse the lift began to weaken and I had to slow down and work some lighter thermals before making the last turn point at Mansfield. By now the West wind had built in strength and I had a 17 mile up wind leg to finish the triangle. With the weakening lift and the strengthening wind it was soon obvious I wasn't going to make it back. Each thermals I stopped to work drifted me away from my goal and my climb rates were too slow to net me any forward progress. I finally decided to go on glide to see if I could make it past the halfway point for the final leg and at least get the mileage multiplier but my glide was poor and I ended up landing short.

The final standings for the 2006 Chelan XC Classic:

Name Class Glider Points

Tom Pierce Rigid Atos 4380
Mike Daily Rigid Axxess 3085
Larry Jorgensen Rigid Axxess 2516

David Scott Topless Litespeed 4 4067
Kelly Harrison Topless Fusion 150 2452
Lenny Baron Topless Fusion 150 2418

Jimmy Culler Kingposted Laminar 968
Darren Darsey Kingposted U2 145 802
Mark Salesse Kingposted U2 160 799

Jim Fenison SS Northwing 1518
Tom Johns SS Falcon 2 170 1313
Konrad Kurp SS Falcon 225 844

Chris/Sarah Galli PG-S
Conrad Kreick PG-S
CJ Sturtevant PG-S

Pam Nichols PG-OP
James Bender PG-OP