Sunday, February 10, 2008

Valley Crossfit

There are a lot of Crossfit affiliates around the country now and I found that there is one just down the street from Chris's place where I'm staying. Micheal Latch of Valley Crossfit was kind enough to let me drop in for a work out. He had just turned 39 the day before (and I had turned 39 a couple of weeks ago) so we did a special birthday work out. It's a bit of a tradition when you have a birthday at Crossfit for your age to be the number of reps you do for the work out. So Micheal created the following workout for us:

400m run between each of the following exercises
39 pullups
39 bumper plate burpees
39 wall ball
39 ball slams
39 box jumps
39 kettle bell swings
39 bumper plate overhead walking lunges

It was great to get a work out in and meet Micheal, Becca and the great group of crossfiters at Valley Crossfit. Thanks all!


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